We suggest bathing your infant every two to three days with baby soap or Dove soap and water. He or she should have a sponge bath until the umbilical cord falls off at two to four weeks of age. After the cord falls off, he or she may have a bath that submerges the belly button. Fold the diaper back so the cord gets air and is not irritated by the diaper. Sometimes there is a little blood when the cord falls off. Clean the ears with a washcloth. A little water in the ear canal is fine. Nails should probably be filed until the nails are not so thin.
The circumcision of the male infant can be gently cleaned with water and soap if it gets stool on it. Keep the site well lubricated with vaseline until it is completely healed. We don’t want it to stick to the diaper when it is still healing!
The female infant’s genitalia should also be cleaned gently with soap and water. Spread the labia apart to remove vaginal secretions and stool. Infant girls often have a white vaginal discharge initially and sometimes have a blood-tinged discharge. They can also have some mild swelling of their labia.
DO NOT EVER leave your infant alone in the water, even for a moment. Turn down your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees to avoid accidental scalding injuries.